Music recommendations

In the last video, we talked about the recommender system problem, where for example, you may have a set of movies and you may have a set of users, each of whom has rated some subset of the movies,...



نستضيف اليوم نبيل بن عيسى وهو ريادي أطلق عددًا من المشاريع الناجحة ومستثمر أيضًا. تشمل خبرات نبيل مجالات الحوسبة السحابية والتجارة الإلكترونية إضافة إلى الدفع عبر الإنترنت. أهلا بك نبيل. لقد اتسع...



반갑습니다! Steve you're tall guy I'm a tall guy and I just equates to one thing it's difficult to find clothes in korea here in Busan at the vast majority of shops the biggest...



[singing in Spanish] [flute solo] ♫ ♫ Worth all the effort ♫ ♫ Cover me ♫ [flute & marimba play] ♫ (woman) This program is funded by the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund with money...
I'm Jeanna Rock, and we're talking about recommended books for college students. One of the things that you're doing in college is expanding your horizons and your book list...
(woman) "Prairie Mosaic" is funded by-- the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, with money from the vote of the people of Minnesota on Nov. 4th, 2008; the North Dakota...
Mats/Morgan Band - Ta Ned Trasan Today's exercise Yes, we heard Ta Ned Trasan, with Mats and Morgan Band. Nice. We're going to do exercise, or you're going to do exercise and...
Today I want to recommend four different websites, resources for you guys who want to connect with other creators, whether it's just to collaborate with them or to find support, or just a...