23.976 Perfect. Just perfect. Okay Dove, move closer to your sister. Mom, give me a big smile. Great. We're beautiful! Now let's get one with the groom. Where is Nathan? Nathan?...
hey guys welcome back nigga rachael is here walking to my eye passed to you review not be on this video prime that you her little bit of buzz about IPAS2 Reviews I'll pass to you trying to...
0:20 I welcome all of you with my love and blessings. Todayís subject for Nithya Satsangh is: ëCREATION AND COMPLETIONí. Listen. I will continue to expand on Creation and Completion. Some of the...
What do you get when you mix one of the most fundamental bodyweight movements and requirements with time? You get the simplest bodyweight exercise that you can do. Let's see if you can hang...
He's one of the most Iconic symbols of strength and power at just 135 Pounds. Today we're going to take a look at the legend Bruce Lee. And more importantly I'm going to show...