♪Left-handed   Look at me, at small me Can you smile any time? At least once no one does, can't you shut your eyes to the fact? But sometimes the world is turned over One or two kids like me...
The sleeping night cries in silence, rain's melody echoes In a lonely and cold night La La La The night's sun hides doesn't show its face, hidden in the darkness black as coal...



Subs adapted from subs by AnimeLoverF4ev (youtube.com/user/AnimeLoverF4ev). Greetings to ketsuron. Rewriting subs, timing & syncing by Zspanky (anime-planet.com/users/Zspanky). Since we have a...
Sandra has 2 nevis. A ruby nevi and a blue nevi. We are going to remove both, the ruby nevi with a 980nm laser diode and the pigmented nevi with a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. We`re not going to use any...
ÿØÿà JFIF H H ÿÛ C ÿÛ C ÿÀ , , " ÿÄ ÿÄ X ! 1AQ "a 2q #‘¡± BRb´Á $3Ñáð47rv‚¢¤²Â %&5t’£ 6SUcdfƒ„”³ÄâñÿÄ ÿÄ 3 ! 1 "2A Qa±ð #q ¡ $34BCRÑÿÚ ? õNŠ(  Š(  Š(  ®yN¡eþŸü5...



Who owns the rain? Turns out... not you! You're actually breaking the law, if you try to capture rain... falling onto your roof and pour it on your flower bed. A prominent Utah car dealer...
滷蛋碎片 去蛋黄 無膽固醇 滷大腸 要滷到沒有水份 文火滷製一小時以上 南部粽 油飯製作60餘年了 堅持使用台灣埔里香菇 滷鴨蛋 芋粿 除了直接享用也可煮芋仔粥 粉腸以精肉為主 三色蛋 以鴨蛋為食材 蟹丸 涼拌或炒菜均可 花枝丸 旗魚滷丸 堅持用旗魚製滷味 天婦羅 蘿蔔炸 香腸亦以精肉為主 有宅配 彌月油飯和蛋榚店配合 也有賣涼的 用冬瓜露作的菜燕 魚夫手機製作 謝謝收看



Hello. I am Mari Miyazawa. Today I will make a Halloween theme rice ball bento. Please prepare a regular bento with 2 onigiri rice balls. I will make faces on the two onigiris, so please make enough...
So maybe we should start introducing ourselves. I'm Ellen Blumenstein, I'm a freelance curator. My name is Tanja Schomaker, and I'm working in the field which is so called...
Hey guys, welcome to the Eh&M Show. I'm Ahmar Khan and this is my co-host Muneeb Arshid Hey Guys, The Eh&M Show is primarily going to be a sports program where we're...