So I got a hold of the Sony HDR AS15 action cam It seems like a good little camera to use on multirotor helicopters. let’s open it up and see what we got! So first comes the camera itself it seems...



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Hey guys, welcome to the Eh&M Show. I'm Ahmar Khan and this is my co-host Muneeb Arshid Hey Guys, The Eh&M Show is primarily going to be a sports program where we're...
Hi. It's Mr. Andersen and welcome to Biology Essentials video number 19. This is on response to external environments. Of all the animals that I love my favorite is the water bear. Their name...
Hi there My Name is Nicolas Today we wil learn how to improve our cardio Work on upper body and forearms Working the field like the prisoners used to do it in the fifties using only one thing This...
Hi. I'm Sarah, with This is the FanMat's MLB vinyl floor mat. You can see the raised outer edge and the multilayered channels; that's going to help keep any...
What I really love about my class are the instructors - they're really nice; They know a lot about their subject so it's very informative. And you have all different sorts of...
♪ [music] ♪ - [Clayton] Next question is about the all powerful DD 214, and we all know that as veterans you cannot get a loan without this piece of paper. So, you lost it. It's happened to...
To all servicemen and women out there I would like to say thank you. In my career I've race in the U.S. Army car and it's always been honor to represent soldiers on the track. This...