Hi, my name's Lee Perkins. I'm a physical therapist and founder of HandsOnRemedy.com. Today I'm going to talk about Metatarsophalangeal Joint Sprains, commonly know as Turf...
states across the united states are passing laws these the united states because been dancing around a star and and and text book which i'm ruskin knows a whole lot more about this than i do...
So now we are going to do it with the newspaper. Basically we want to get the same protection we would have by using the tape machine, so I am going to take some tape or lay it down here on the edge...
Hi my name is Elliott Kwong on behalf of Expert Village. Today I'm going to teach you how to make a kaleidoscope. So I have my 3 pieces of mirror and I cut it right and what I did is I put...
In this clip I'm going to show you how to tape your cables down. Taping your cables down is extremely important for the safety of your audience. You don't want somebody tripping on a...
IRVINE: Next on "Restaurant Impossible"... Food that looks bad and tastes even worse. [ Spits ] What is that? This is a muskrat. Muskrat? That's roadkill. PATTY: Muskrat! No...
Once I have my film in the camera, then I bust out my tape again, and I am going to tape these hinges shut. Now, the Holga comes with plastic metal hinges, but I take them off because they tend to...
Hi, I'm Chris Harper and with me is John and we're here to demonstrate an application for shoulder stability. There are many instances where you may have forward or unstable shoulders...
Hi, I'm Chris Harper and with me is John, and we're here to explain an application for rotator cuff. This is when you have pain among the muscles in the shoulder that are responsible...