Natural ways of getting pregnant - infertility may be broadly defined as the inability to get pregnant after trying for at least one year without using any birth control. In Western countries,...
What is Mesothelioma? Mesothelioma or more precisely malignant mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that develops from cells of the mesothelium which is the protective lining that covers many of the...
Created in 2007 by Saskatoon multi-media artist Wally Dion, a member of Yellow Quill First Nation – Salteaux – Star Blanket is made from discarded computer circuitry boards, suggesting an updated...
Stephen Davis: So the Gates Foundation put out a call, we need an infant biometric; we need a way to identify babies, which we can associate with a vaccination record. Jodie McVernon: One of the key...
You know that in Australia, the direct cost of sleep disorder was costed at the value of $850 million. Bekaert has been always involved with sleeping because we supply the bedding industry with...
[MUSIC] GRAY: Cancer is one of the most complex diseases that mankind has to face. We used to think that cancers were more or less similar as long as you stayed within one anatomic site, like breast...
(music) We started the program shortly after I arrived at the University of Louisville in 1998 as a way of recognizing the valuable donation of one's body to the program, and it's sort...
Welcome to the University of Michigan Dentistry Podcast Series promoting oral health care worldwide. As we begin our dissection in the thoracic region, you should first familiarize yourself with the...
So, at LA Thermography, we offer radiation-free breast cancer screening and full body scans, and what thermography does is it measures the heat variances in your body that are caused by the additional...
When a patient hears he or she needs a surgical procedure, it's generally cause for considerable alarm and concern. Before the news really even sinks in, they are often confronted with the...