Sorry for the selfie

A sexy commercial featuring Scarlett Johansson has been banned from appearing on air during this week's Super Bowl, but for all the wrong reasons ... Folks who endured over two hours of...
O man it's Friday the 13th... that's awesome you know You know what that means... it's a perfect day to play.... Whaaa.... Majora's Mask Let's get to it That...
it's sunday parents dinner concepts pass that but this is the perfect time tycoon but i'm not in timeline is addictive counts each depicting moment into history got the world these...
Hello everybody my name is Thomas Olson of Sparkling Films, and welcome to a Minecraft let's play. But today I'm not Gonna be playing (ignore my dog in the background). today...
Hello, ShadowRock here. This is going to be a sort of.. closed captioning commentary demo.. thing. Fun fact: this is a some cut out Mega Man Network Transmission footage from Part 2, that...
this episode and beyond taxes brought to you by t mobile whiskey company valentines once you launch a campaign with a black stream people getting taxes on their face book page right but the taxes that...
Hey guys, SuperSonicPwns here and today I am going to show you how to add captions or subtitles to your Youtube Videos. So if it'll be a lot of help to all you Youtubers out there. So it is...