internet ...... worldwide computer network to swap data viral ...... online diffusion of data meme (internet phenomena) ...... icon by successful viral marketing Fandom ...... the entirety community...
Zangorwarrior: Tell you what, should I make this, like, "non-chattable"? Zangorwarrior: It's like, I close the chat and then ask the guys: Zangorwarrior: "You know...
Exif 0221 0100 Digital Photo Professional Canon Canon EOS 1000D 2010:04:09 11:50:01 2010:04:09 11:50:01 2010:04:09 11:50:01 $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz...
I'll bake up a solution (pun: resheniye ('solution') sounds similar to pecheniye ('cookies')), Now I know how to do it. A cat has full nine lives, So getting...
Hello bronies, pegasisters and friends! I am here to tell you an exciting news. The BRONIES documentary is ready to viewed To celebrate it's release, I plan to gather a lot of people to watch...



ALEX: Listen up, everybody. All hell's broken loose. [KNOCKS] Oh no, this is it. This is the apocalypse. You need to be ready for what's about to happen next. EARNEST: Hey everyone,...



Okay, so our mission is to save equestria? Okay. Just noclip out. like what i did Okay. You are one terrifing Engineer, But i'll give you anyway. Alright. Off saving Equristria, Or something...



With how many are we? I'm counting about a hundred people, despite the fact that all train traffic from the northern Netherlands have been canceled. Half southern Netherlands couldn't...

