Side dishes & appetizers

Hi! I'm Josiah Owen with Expert Village. To start off our mozzarella salad, we're going to a whole loaf of fresh mozzarella and we're just going cut that in half. This is a...
Hi! I'm Josiah Owen with Expert Village. Today we're going to make another variation of pork and beans. Start off by taking about half of a package of kielbasa. You just want to cut...
Hi! I'm Josiah Owen with Expert Village. Alright, today we're going to start off by making macaroni and cheese. You need about 5 slices of French bread, a half a cup of flour, a pinch...
Hi this is Neha on behalf of Expert Village. I think my Lassi is done. I need to remove the upper part. Well, it's almost done. And then I need to take it from the thing. And I need to serve...
What we want to do with our onion is we want to sauté this with our rice, so we'll turn our burner up to eight on our back with our rice. We'll add a tablespoon of oil, and then...
Hi! I'm Josiah Owen with Expert Village. Now today we're going to be making taquitos. You start off by grilling some chicken and then chopping it in a food processor. Once...
Hi! I'm Josiah Owen with Expert Village. Now today we're going to be making a variation of pasta salad called pizza pasta salad. We're going to need shredded cheddar cheese,...
Hi! So this next step is veggie potato boats that we are going to show you how to make. Yet another nutritious easy to make food for the kids just a few ingredients you need some potatoes obviously,...
Hi this is Neha on behalf of Expert Village. Now my gas is on, we have put oil and this much will do. So my oil is done. We'll just put the flame light a bit so that it will take time to get...