President Stroble, trustees of Webster University, honored guests, ladies and gentlemen, graduands, colleagues, friends as Principle of Regent's College in London, it's a great...
[John]: The Center has been in existence since nineteen seventy seven and over that time has hosted probably over a hundred thousand students who have been through here for a half week or a week at a...
>> I've always known that I wanted to be a doctor and I was looking for colleges that had a really strong science program. >> I knew that I wanted to go in to the...
Upon walking into the building and my spirits just immediately got lifted. It's a beautiful structure. We've had Sangren 1.0, the old Sangren, for many, many years and despite the...
The affluence of international students and people from international backgrounds is just growing here. People here are very friendly. Very diverse. And, people are willing to help you if you get...
Hi I'm Ashleigh. Hi I'm David. We are the school captains of Forest Lake State High School. Welcome to our school, let's show you around. [singing] So we're here with...
Angelo State University is more than just a place to receive your degree. It's a community where students come together to live, work and play throughout the year. Living on campus is not only...