♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ Alright I'm gonna go pick up these print outs... ...I got fives on the computer. Hey, you can't call fives! Time is money Hobbit... ...and you don't have either. Hey....
Scott Desjarlais as a congressman from Tennessee and he was doing a Q&A game with some of his constituents recently and this brave little 11-year-old girl walked up and asked a really moving...
Well, a few months ago, Jon Medved was in town talking about his crowd funding site, OurCrowd, which, seeks to use the power of the Internet to raise money from a very wide range of investors for...
Hi. Miss Marchant! Hello! I just wanted to tell you. Oh, God. Everything you said... you were right. When I was 16... I had two passions in life. Horse-back riding and opera. I dreamt of being the...
CHAPTER LI BATHSHEBA TALKS WITH HER OUTRIDER The arrangement for getting back again to Weatherbury had been that Oak should take the place of Poorgrass in Bathsheba's conveyance and drive her...
Hi, I am Brian DaMan from Crowd Jam Band and you will probably going to see me around a lot But today, let me introduce to you our new artist from Crowd Jam Band Yeah, i know. This is a bad ass Tv And...



(LAUGHING) Your crazy! are you sure shes home late from work today? Yeah shes always late on a Tuesday. I feel so bad shes supposed to be my friend. Ahh don't start that again, shes supposed...
In this clip, we're going to talk about crowd control. There are a variety of different roles that different characters can fulfill within the group. Often times in the World of Warcraft, you...



[♪] [♪] KAY: O Lord, grant eternal rest, and let everlasting light shine upon your servant here and deliver her from eternal death in that awful day, when the heavens and the earth shall be shaken...
Hey guys, my name is Tim Schmoyer and it's Wednesday, time for some YouTube tips and advice and ideas for you guys and today I want to talk about something that is really, really important for...