My name is Bob Schneider and I am an Assistant Professor in the department of Urban Planning I also research in the field of sustainable transportation. About six percent of students report that they...
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My name is Julia Szinte. I'm a senior at UWM and my major is biology with a focus on neuroscience. I ride here at Hunters Run with our trainer Lisa Behling, and she is our coach for IHSA,...
We're at the Indian Community School of Milwaukee, which is actually located in Franklin, on a campus that is a little over a hundred acres. And the students that come here have native...



I did come to Milwaukee wanting to become a police officer, and about 2 years into it I got offered the job working as a peer adviser here at the Helen Bader School of Social Welfare. I've...
Panther Academic Support Services, or PASS, offers free academic support to UWM undergraduate students. Our services, which include Supplemental Instruction, tutoring, and academic coaching and...
I am Michael Xiong, It's my senior year here at UWM and I'm currently majoring Information Schience & Technology. Currently I'm working as a clerk for the custoial...



On campus I'm involved with the studio arts and crafts center; I'm the program manager there. It's just a great environment to spend time in. We have four main studio areas as...

