Yes, it's crazy. Totally absurd. You work towards it for six months and all this energy comes together. I'm Wessel Nimmer. I'm a freelance creative consultant and art director,...
Raw recipes with Kukuriak. Blog of a group of experimenters. Hello everyone! You better not wave. Okay... But where from the beginning? Okay, so... let's get started. Hello everyone, I am...
Would you be willing to sell your house, that you worked a lifetime to purchase in order to buy school supplies, uniforms and food for children in a country totally different than your own? That is...
Minho jumps on the airwaves, interrupting the main program We've been invited to “Volume Guests”, Part 2 of the program “Turn Up The Volume” There’s a wiretap in my ear! (refers to an 1988...
FEMALE SPEAKER: Let's talk about The Glee Project. Last time we talked, contestants were being tested on their dance ability. This past week, they had a new test-- ability to take a cold...
FEMALE SPEAKER: Michelle Williams takes on Marilyn Monroe, Mobbed dances towards a full season, and the Muppets make a triumphant return. This is Just Dance for November 23, 2011. Happy Thanksgiving!...
SHEENA: Beyonce and Kelly Rowland released new music videos, Taylor Swift takes you behind the scenes of her Fearless tour, and Dance Central 2 hits Connect. This is Just Dance for October 20, 2011....
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I'm Kristof Wickman and I'm an artist in Bushwick and I'm in a show Raw/Cooked. The Elysium. It's really hard to say what attracts me to a shape. I like forms that have...
"You need to just grow up and be a man!" "Oh, I am a man!" "Baby, this is my life, my dream..." "Dream? Dream? You need to get a real...