Just to the east of M27, the "Apple Core" nebula, there's a star that can be seen in binoculars. And this star hosts a giant planet. The star is slightly smaller and cooler...
At the center of a galaxy some 4 billion light years from Earth something extraordinary is happening. This galaxy, known as CID-42, contains a giant black hole. What led to this black hole ejection?...
On May 3rd, CEFET/RJ hosted the lecture Origins and Transformation of Quadratura Painting, a historical Brazillian heritage, at Auditorium 6 of the Maracanã Campus. The quadratura is a painting genre...
Hello? Everything OK? (Two weeks later) Yeah, yeah, yeah, alright...So, what happened there exactly? A young woman. Natalie Lessmeister. They found her dead in the woods near the town of...
21.05.12 Eletti, amici cari, siate perseveranti nella testimonianza e nel servizio ed i vostri sospiri si cambieranno in gioia. Sposa cara, se gli uomini capissero che, senza di Me, Gesù, nulla...
Buongiorno a tutti, questa mattina siamo a Taranto sull’arco ionico, siamo in Puglia, l’ospedale da cui vi parlo si chiama Santissima Annunziata, č un grande ospedale, personalmente mi chiamo...



Hello everyone! In this tutorial we are going to remove the cosmic rays from our 2D spectra using the neat task LACOSMIC made by Pieter Van Dokkum at Yale In the description of this video you will the...
Lightworker, per diffondere la luce, insieme , l’Arcangelo Michele . Trasmesso tramite Ronna Herman. E' in atto un processo evolutivo senza precedenti! Evoluzione della Terra: dalla prima...
06.07.12 Eletti, amici cari, siate Miei nella mente e nel cuore, in ogni fremito dell’anima ed Io Mi manifesterň a voi, sempre di piů. Piccola Mia sposa, chiedo in questo momento ad ogni uomo di...
Professional Treatment lifting indicated:-to MATURE SKIN presenting an oval poorly defined, with major wrinkles, dehydration, and very off color and opaque due to vitamin deficiency. RESULTS-The skin...