ACRIFLEX WINTER WATERPROOFING SYSTEM Clean accurately the surface pour gradually part A onto part B Mix two components by mixing drill SAFETY JOINT ROLL application Apply a first coat of ACRIFLEX...
次に、食品と水の汚染に ついてお話しましょう。 ベクレルという単位を使います。 Bq。ベクレルはわかりやすい単位です。 1ベクレルは、(1秒間に)1つの原子核が 崩壊して放射線を放つということです。 私たちが測ったような放射線です。 「1キロあたり何ベクレル」、 のように言います。 例えば、1000Bq/kgのきのこや ほうれん草といえば、 この1秒の間に、 1000個の原子核が崩壊し、...



to start, unload what they need in the description of the video, and create a logo in photoshop, then save it preferably inside the extracted folder to download. we go to after efect, and more or...



Nice, but let go of your arm, that's it... Just try to be a little dramatic, yeah, you got it... dramatic look, thaaat's it... That's nice, that's it... start playing...



Guten Tag! Today ve will talk about light and how ve kan bend it. We vill use a laser and we made some shteam to make the beam visible Sky Lady is making steam. Some theory with this small...
Cosmic rays were discovered in 1912 by a man called Victor Hess who took a balloon up high into the atmosphere. And then in 1938 a man called Pierre Auger, a French Physicist, discovered by putting...



[RAIN AND THUNDER] ♪♪ Inner North London, top floor flat, All white walls, white carpet, white cat, Rice paper partitions, Modern art and ambition. The host's a physician, Bright bloke, has...
B3 Care Age Evolution Professional-B3 Care Age Evolution Professional Professional Treatment wrinkle indicated:-to act on the causes of chronological aging and UV radiation. Dedicated self-care...
A2 Care Age Evolution Professional-A2 Care Age Evolution Professional Professional Treatment wrinkle indicated:-to act on the causes of chronological aging and UV radiation. Dedicated self-care...