we continue following the situation in Syria whether it's getting more or less concerning I don't even really know it's certainly getting very very odd yesterday the Foreign...
president obama i went on sixty minutes on sunday night and they talk about the republican field a little bit his chances uh... one show you some of those clubs let's start with clips six...
the answer was gonna sing the national anthem today and really rich initially did uh... and we're sure that your second but first of all is fair incident accuracy right that apparently people...
the president during his in our eurasian date uh... is supposed to go have coffee with uh... the leaders of the opposition party in congress and he did he wanted a house for your job gainer house...
so the republicans have found a new criticism of president obama his evaluation speech was limp der he since the democratic president won re-election megan a conservative speech they're not...
uh... another congressman by i saw this headline which is that a congressman is calling for a new birth their investigation is questioning the president's validity and right away i said...
Hello America, I'm Pat Condell, and I'm your friend because I live in the UK and our two countries have quite a lot in common apart from the fact that everyone else on the planet hates...
>> RATIGAN: Cenk, does this mean that the Tea Party is a socialist? That they're in favor of a giant--the government take over of the banking system? They seem fine with it....
i didn't get a lady lady sports locked out nighttime here in culver city california rich drama view all my aficionados and what do you guys commented on last video downtown general wesley...