My name is Alfonc I am an international student from Albania. I am double majoring in Political Science and International Studies and I am very excited to be graduating. My greatest accomplishment...
Hello, my name is Arielle Reid in Budapest, Hungary and today we will discuss the different ways to vote. Now, the different ways to vote can be understood in two separate manners. Number one, is...
Let's sing about The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America ... When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands...
When we opened we realized that the Children's Museum was a place of joy and learning for children. Children learn through play and it is really important part of making their growing up very...
Part 1 - Bow Down [Hook] I'm out that H-town Coming, coming down I'm coming down dripping candy on the ground H, H-town, town, I'm coming down Coming down, dripping candy on... Teds Fine Woodworking Projects Plans Ideas ( Not Free ) - Beginners AND Advanced Teds Fine Woodworking Projects Plans Ideas ( Not Free ) - Beginners AND...
I have an important appointment at high noon tomorrow, but it's way out West. I'll have to leave my home at 5am tomorrow morning my time to be out there at high noon their time....
Interestingly enough, both of the parties in today's political system—the Republicans and the Democrats—have identified themselves with beasts of burden. The democrats with the donkey, and...
Welcome everyone to our educator innovator webinar great tools for production center design. Thank you for joining us today and my name is Kelly Mendoza. I manage professional development program at...