Peruvian hair

[SEWING MACHINE] [ MUSIC PLAYING] ADRI MURGUIA: Hey, this is Adri. And we're here in Santa Clarita Valley to meet up with Jamie Nudie, who is Nudie Cohn's granddaughter. And she is...
Why do Mormons wear white shirts? All of the missionaries I see are wearing white dress shirts and a tie. Usually with a black jacket and slacks to boot. They want everyone to be blinded by the light....
Constitution District by TravelPod member ryankevin Doner Gyro by TravelPod member ryankevin Street Market by TravelPod member ryankevin Store Front by TravelPod member ryankevin Building in Istanbul...
Today on my Newly Naturals " How To" series, Ill be showing how to flat twist in the back. One youtuber commented: Dear WillsGirl2005- Alot of Youtubers never show how to flat twist...
Cuzco Cathedral by TravelPod member sbarclay View of Cuzco from our window by TravelPod member sbarclay Basketball, Cuzco style! by TravelPod member sbarclay More mayhem by TravelPod member sbarclay...



The Amazon Rainforest, one of the most biologically diverse places on Earth. Its trees and plants produce 20% of the world's oxygen and fresh water. Over 25% of the world's medicines...
it's a long holiday weekend and one Sarasota establishment is kicking up September by mixing beer with a good cause. SNN News Reporter has a closer look at this edition of Feel Good Friday...