When your child misbehaves do you find yourself at a loss of knowing what to do trying to come up with an immediate consequence on the spot. That's a challenge. Experts used to believe that...
Kid's poor decisions and fussiness can be very tiring and annoying. How about a tool that will help you put your energy back? It's effective. In Love and Logic® we call it the energy...
Our favorite Jersey Shore meatball and new mother Snooki, gives pregnant Kate Middleton some parenting advice! After welcoming her first child, Lorenzo Dominic, this past August, Snooki has fallen in...
Bullying is not a school problem. Schools are responsible for ensuring that children don't get bullied, and for ensuring that children learn how to get along with others. But...
Toddler nutrition is very important. It kind of sets the basis for healthy eating for the rest of their life. With childhood obesity on the rise it is very important to get a good start and good...
Jennifer: Hi everybody. I'm Jennifer Waldburger and welcome to New Baby Basics, everything that you want to know about your baby. We're here with pediatrician Dr. JJ Levenstein and she...
hiatus is justice instead advice for working moms acting gas attack any advice for working moms the best piece of advice that i can give you a text that you can stay home with their children can run...