Hello, my name is Tammy Gold, and I am here with Howcast today as the parenting expert for the newborn series. I am a licensed therapist and certified parent coach. I am the owner of a company called...



There may be times when your baby has a certain rash on some portion or all portions of their body. Rashes can be caused by a host of reasons. Sometimes viral reactions can cause a rash throughout the...
You'll often hear your doctor say words "failure to thrive," and failure to thrive really means your baby is not putting on weight, and that can be extremely dangerous in a...



How to create a hospital with exceptional maternity care. First build on a unique heritage of caring for new moms and their babies. Then invest in stunning renovations to create a whole new birth...




Linda: Hi, I'm Linda Hanna. I'm your lactation consultant. I'm a registered nurse. My certifications are in Maternal and Child Health. I have a Master's Degree in...



What was life like after my girls came to live with us? Well, for the most part they were both four months old; one was a little under four months, and the other one was a little over four months old,...
Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion For Newborn Dry Skin The skin of your new child child could be visually extraordinary from what you may anticipate, especially if that expectation has been derived from...
Gwenyth: We're inspired by women who have restarted their lives using health and fitness. We hope you are, too. (lively music) Gwenyth: I'm Gwenyth Paltrow. Tracy: And I'm...
So your baby's just come from their bath, and they are sometimes cold and wet, so you want to dry them as quickly but as comfortably as possible. You would keep as much surface as you can...