Elements of Sampling Design Choice of sampling design is driven by management objectives and sampling objectives. Sampling design encompasses the practical components of a sampling endeavor; what we...
Hello, I'm Nicholas Lovell, and these are GAMESbrief Design Rules - fifteen rules to make successful free-to-play games. Rule three in the free-to-play design rules is Come for a Minute, Stay...
[Narrator] In the 2nd Annual OTS Student Design Challenge, design and architecture students competed to re-imagine the front concourse of the Central YMCA in downtown Toronto. [Andrew] Ontario Tire...
learning technology design principle in previous videos i topped extensively about ecosystem in views of education the importance of conducting a thorough ln the analysis and also considering...
I'm Pauline Riley. I'm the Academy Director from the National Design Academy. We're here today to celebrate our students achieving the Foundation Degree in Interior Design. For...
Welcome to your brand new course shell. Does this look overwhelming to you? It did to me the first time I started developing my course. This video will demonstrate how to make your course home page...
The registration screen, the login screen and the lost password screen by default have the S2Member logo installed. These screens can be branded and customized to match the design of the site. To...
I find a lot of videos of wierd and wonderful sort-of secret sci-fi military projects. Mainly because I look for them whilst I'm bored at work, pretending to work. And I just found this....
https://www.eparrs.com/ Testimonial for Parr's Publishing My name is Paul Guerin from oshawabookkeeper.com When I first started my business I had a website that I thought was giving me online...
[Jason:] If you're a web designer, you're designing all this stuff and then you've got the web developer doing the technical stuff. But in my case, I'm doing both the...