♪ [music] ♪ - [voice over] Emily was a nursing student in a pediatric rotation. She cared for Tommy, a five-year old patient who was recently diagnosed with type one diabetes. Tommy was going home...
Music ARNDT: My name is Jessyca Arndt, and today I’m going to share with you a little bit about my favorite book, the Historian. DAWS: Today is our first honors symposium. And the Honors Symposium is...
What is Medicaid? It's help for senior citizens, the health insurance they get from Social Security? Uh, it's the, isn't it like health plans for people, isn't it like,...
hello elizabeth stepped out here from living sublime wellness dot com thank you for watching and enjoying this weeklies wellness videotape this is not for tracking all about creating inner wisdom and...
Welcome to the School of Nursing orientation. We are excited to welcome newly enrolled students to the nursing orientation. The purpose of this orientation is to help students gain knowledge of the...
Hi this is Kathy. Now this week our study tip is related to writing down what you know before you actually start to study. Take a look at the objectives cause you know every time you look at the...
They give you like three sentences. My sentences are, “My face is on firm”, “Help me I’m burnt” and “please stop the pain”. Then I am not supposed to be able to see or remain calm. (Screaming) We are...
The one that I...that comes to mind when it comes to integrity are mostly my instructors cuz, especially in the nursing program, the overwhelming stress is not just for the students but to have that...
Hello. I'm Karla Schaffer. Welcome to “Senior Centers in Action.” Each month we will spotlight various events at Anne Arundel County's seven senior activity centers. This month...
Well it's really important that they have capacity to execute the will and that the time that they are executing the will, they aren't under the influence of any drugs or anything like...

