We have a nursing crisis the population is getting older many nurses are getting older and retiring between retiring nurses and the baby boomers turning 65 in 2011 we have some real troubles we will...
After I was released from the hospital my temperature went up It is very important in life to get prepared for its end. We work to ensure a humanly life-end for patients with incurable diseases. I...



My name is Sharla Morgan and I found out that I had thyroid cancer while in a nurse practitioner class at BYU. It was the third week of class. We were learning head and neck assessments. She turned...
Open: (Music) Super : We asked students who have an interest in law… Where they see a need for change in the world. So we gave them a camera and asked them to show us. Tamara: “I’m Tamara, I’m...
We're on problem 87. It says an employee is paid 1.5 times the regular hourly rate for each hour worked in excess of 40 hours per week. OK. So after 40, they get overtime. 1.5 times. Excluding...



If you can correctly answer this question, you get a gold star… Which words could fill in the blanks so that the sentence below makes sense? Today’s American public might express blank at the...
Hi, everyone, Alexis Avila, founder of Prepped and Polished LLC here in Boston. Now, the ACT or the SAT, most colleges accept either test. So which one should you choose? Well, there are pros and cons...
Welcome back. Well we left off on problem number 13. But let me start it over just so that we don't get confused kind of doing the problem over the course of two videos. So number 13. It...
Problem number 18. The average arithmetic mean of x and y is k. So the average, so x plus y/2 is k, right? That's the average of x and y is equal to k. Which of the following is the average of...
OL. What’s up? Oh, hey. Not much, I’m just going to class. You have class at Etcetera? Yeah, I’m actually turning in an assignment right now. Check it out I'll show you. Just go to...