Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Nepal. As the country came under the grip of extreme cold for weeks beginning in early January, around 42 people succumbed to...
Hi Guys so i have done this video for those who are doing the sun salutes but need it to be modified. So i am just going to go through on sun salute with everything modified for those who have just...
Hi I'm Hitesh Shah on behalf of Expert Village. Let us see how to perform Surya Namaskar. Now let us see how to move from position number three to position number four of Surya Namaskar. This...
Hi I am Hitesh S shah on behalf of Expert Village. Let us see how to perform Surya Namaskar. Let us start with introduction of Surya Namaskar. Surya Namaskara is synergy between Yogasana and exercise....
Hi I'm Hitesh Shah on behalf of Expert Village. Let us see how to perform Surya Namaskar. Now let us see how to move from position number five to position number six of Surya Namaskar. This is...
Hi I'm Hitesh Shah on behalf of Expert Village. Let us see how to preform Surya Namskar. Surya Namaskar has the initial position from where this beautiful system starts. Now I will show you....
Hi, I am Hitesh Shah on behalf of Expert Village. Let us see how to perform Surya Namaskar. Now let us see about prerequisites and some of the precautions. Surya Namaskar is done in open space at the...
Hi, I am Gary for Expert Village. Our Outlook calendar should automatically show us holidays on the appropriate dates. Here we see that holidays for 2007, we see that December 25th there is no holiday...