Two spanish sisters accept Islam Two sisters want to accept islam now and that is the biggest joy for a muslims that exists May Allah make these sisters a role model in islam And now we begin God...



We say fuck the world, fuck you, and fuck life But who's the real enemy? 'Cause in reality our mind's are intertwined with crime and criminal activity So it's only a...
Among the events that I want to comment on, and we ask God Almighty that our speech may be of avail to us O Lord of creation, Amen ... First of all, the events that taking place around Maspiro and the...
islam messenger of allah pillars of islam muhammad is the messenger of allah islamic religion muslims muslim beliefs convert to islam muslim religion muslim culture islam religion islam beliefs muslim...
Precious Hodjam can you please give me information on refreshing once nikah (marriage) There is no such thing as refreshing once nikah (marriage) You are either married or you are not There is no such...
When can we be succesful, dear brothers and sisters? We are succesful when we stay united, and get rid of nationalism. And when we stop to care about where anyone comes from! Do you know how many...
Sayyeda Az-Zahraa: The core of the Message Sayyeda Az-Zahraa was an ideal wife, a unique mother, an outstanding daughter, a great Muslim, a devoted worshipper, and a dedicated struggler for the sake...



We have Aisha on the line, Hello! What do you think about tonight's conference? Hello? So what do you think about tonight's conference? -About the conference, I don't know if...
That is the behavior of those people so “Allah” says with this example he’s changed the majority of them. Who are those people who have questioned the examples what “Allah” intends with these example...
Renate from Hamburg converts to Islam that's not bad. All Praises be to Allah. And have you received my message? that's right. I didn't just sent the message, but rather after...