Optimal Sets for Strength Development One research project has shown that people doing 2-3 sets produce on average 46% greater strength gains and people doing 4-6 sets produce 13% more than doing 2-3...
Sci-MX at Big Boys Toys 2011 Build Muscle Size - Omni Hardcore We've got a sampling of our brand new product Sci-Mx out of the UK We've got a lean protein, so 34g of protein low...
Is it good to mix cardio with weight training? I’ve heard that it can hurt your muscle growth and that you have to do cardio to get the most out of your workouts. Weight lifters often do cardio on...
Do bodybuilders do decline bench presses? The decline bench press is done to increase the size and strength of your chest. It isn’t bad for the shoulders and triceps, either. The decline bench press...
Hello Everybody, my name is Adam I want to talk to you today about Muscle Fuel Anabolicby USN. Muscle Fuel Anabolic is an all in one. Why would you use an all in one? An all in one product contains,...
Do bodybuilders have functional strength? Why would you ask that? It is the difference between a sprinter and a marathon runner. They may be able to lift 200 pounds for show, but can they carry a...
Hey there, this is Mehdi from StrongLifts.com and in this video I'm going to reveal the secret to gaining muscle naturally without using drugs or supplements and training only three times a...
Hey guys it's me kevin here i want to take a minute to make this quick video on how to get ripped fast and point you in the right direction if you're looking to build muscle or get...
Here's a quick breakdown of this amazing how to jump higher system and what you can expect. See how strength plus quickness equals explosion and how you maximise your muscle strength and...