Alternate Day Diet (ADF) by Gary who is determined to Learn How To Lose Weight Fast Using Intermittent Fasting. I weighed myself 82.2kg NO change from yesterday - At-least I am not putting weight. And...
[music] Hey it's me Destin. Welcome back to Smarter Every Day. We are back with Phil Torres, entomologist, and about two years ago I created a video about butterflies that I thought were...
Hey it's me Destin, welcome back to Smarter Every Day. So before we start the butterfly deep dive, the one question I get more than anything else here on Smarter Every Day, is what's...
So, so far we are doing pretty good. The boots are holding up really well and Baxter is holding up really well. Wow, another really steep climb here. Well, we are here at our camp site. We are by a...



Hey it's me Destin. Welcome to Smarter Every Day. So today's episode's a little bit different. I have a question about breathing. It's pretty simple. See our bags are...