I already knew they he had potential, and so I felt like that it was my job, once I became his mentor, is to help him unlock the potential. It just gives me that extra push. Yeah, that extra push and...
We work with high school students who have intellectual disabilities. And the idea is that by helping them explore their interests while they're in high school, they're better able to...
I want to thank you for the donation of your time,your energy and your dollars to support Providence Care. The work that we do, as many of you know, for many of our programs, we are number 1 in the...
Hi my name is Daniel. I am a fourth year collaborative Nursing student at York University. The program here at York offers an excellent combination of both academic and practical skills and you...
It is really an honor, and so much fun, to be here and it's been a lot of fun preparing this talk. Each time I give this talk, things change, and I learn more about about the training program....
Josh McConnell: Hi Humber, it’s February 14. Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m Josh McConnell, and this is your weekly update. Yesterday, the School of Social and Community Services launched The Bridge...
What we really want for them is to be successful and a job is a place where you can be successful and once a child experiences success in that area they're more likely to go on to other parts...
I come from Ecuador, from Brazil and I'm from Saudi Arabia. From Japan, from South Korea, from Taiwan, I'm from Iraq, from China, I'm from Leon in the south of France....
A mentor can help you in a number of ways. For me personally, I'd come into a really competitive program within the Math Faculty and I was quite concerned. And I'd heard these terrible...
I think, uh, probably what I have learned, and what he has taught me to do is to look at a problem--a problem in society such as our education system--something that needs to be improved, and learn...

