Let me paint you this picture. It's a stinking hot day, you're in a retail environment much like this and you think, hey! I'm thirsty. At that precise moment you spot a fridge...



Hey Guys it's Kevin with MixCoach, Time for another episode of the MixCoach Minute brought to you by makes coach member a great membership website where you can learn to mix all different...



When mastering for CD or a vinyl record, the time in between the songs is called the spread, and it can be used as a creative tool just as much as a sequence of the songs. The spreads determine the...



When I first started in business, I used to get stuck when a prospect would respond with "I'll have a think about that." It absolutely halted me in my tracks. I had no...



Property research is more important today than it has ever been in the past because the property investing environment has become tougher and more competitive, while at the same time the growth...
Hi and welcome back to Rich Media Design Productions next video uh... actually uh... this is going to be a continuation of a video that i did some time ago it dealt with the pen tool so we'll...
We have invited Casa Patas, the leading flamenco troops in Madrid, to lead a masterclass with our students. "Start with the left." It is a very special opportunity for students to...
Hey, hey everybrody! This is Matthew Doyle again from Scaleform. I'm bringing you part 4 of the UDK HUD tutorial series. Now, as you recall, in part 3 we talked about GFxMinimapHud.uc, and we...
Sometimes the default fade that's added to the beginning or end of the track just doesn't sound natural. Either the fade is too tight and cuts off the attack or release of the part, or...
In this video, I'll be providing an introduction to the basics of multi- band processing. I'm going to be using the Waves C6 compressor and expander; however, many of the controls and...