[University of Georgia Fight Song] >>Several children talking all at once about vegetables. >>Dave Rusk: The intent is to, as their theme says, “To Grow Good Kids.” The...
Here I'll be discussing recording, mixing and mastering costs. Now these are two, or rather three rather expensive parts of your project. When you're writing a song in your room on...
Hi! This is Paul Louis from Puppets n’ Stuff puppets. You can find us on the worldwide web at www.puppetsnstuff.com. Okay, we are back with our puppeteer techniques. First of all I want to discuss...
Hi! My name is Jesus Cardoso, and I’m going to teach you how to prepare for mastering. Mastering is the last stage of the whole process. When you get to do this, basically means that you’re pretty...
so we can get the lowdown on all this trickery well really all it is is this a 32-bit hard... uh, software mixer right. Yeah. But because it's 32 bit, you can crank the crap out of the levels...



Hello, my name is Penny Smith, and I'm a North Carolina real estate broker. The topic today is how to master real estate math. Well, that's a pretty big topic. And what I have to say...



Hello, maybe you want to make your record sound more dynamic, spacey and powerful? If you want, you can use our studio mastering services. Now I will explain a little more about the process of our...



00:00:00 - Well hello everyone. 00:00:01 - Anthony Sequeira here, and it is my great privilege to walk 00:00:06 - you through CCNA data center here at CBT Nuggets. 00:00:11 - We're going to...
Hey guys, Neemias here, Sigma's keyboardist I'll show how I do the mastering process The "mastering" process so to speak It's more like a simple final...



I want to spend 90 seconds talking to you about a clever marketing ploy. A ploy that actually increases your margin, while leaving customers thinking they're getting a good deal. And it...