This is the Beach Bus by Nescafé Frappé The first bus that turns the dreadful journey to the beach into an amazing experience! Your seat costs absolutely nothing and it’s booked exclusively through...
You know you love me, I know you care Just shout whenever, and I'll be there You are my love, you are my heart And we will never, ever, ever be apart Are we an item? Girl, quit playin'...
>>STEVE JOHNSON: Hey there. This is Steve Johnson, with the Stan Winston School of Character Arts and today we've been hanging out at the YouTube space in L.A. doing something...
(♪ Upbeat Music ♪) YOUNG WOMAN: Ready to tackle the starburst? Let's start with the border. First, choose your border color. For this bracelet, we chose black. This pattern uses your loom the...
(♪ Music ♪) YOUNG WOMAN: Three is better than one, right? Let's make a triple single bracelet. Start by having the loom positioned so that the red arrow is pointing away from you. Take your...
ship just thing to you dick as use she ship Holly show you that stick just on you this you don't Creek me just to do this you can just the rubber bands should be stretchy stretchy to text to...
Remember slap bracelets, silly bands and furbes? Well check out the latest craze for kids and tweens; loom bandz bracelets! These items are so cool! kids love to make them, wear them, collect them,...
(♪ Music ♪) YOUNG WOMAN: Want to make a zippy chain? This pattern uses their loom the way it's set up right out of the box. With the center column off one peg make sure the arrow is pointing...
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Hi guys, today were going to be making a single multicolored FunLoom bracelet just like this except were going to do it with 3 colors. What you're going to need is your 3 colors, your C clips,...