I'm Layla Beth and we're going to learn to walk like a Runway model. First of all you must be confident, there is absolutely nothing sexier than being confident person. Second of all...
Well, my friends, now that you've had opportunity to look at what a linear regression is and to examine the linear regression model, it is important that we take just a moment to review the...
Where is the internet heading? What are its next big opportunities? And how should discerning business investors respond? Introducing the future of e-commerce, ALMIGHTYTRADER.COM This innovative...
I'm Loyla Beth and now I'm going to tell you how to look like a model. First of all, you need to get healthy, if you're a little bit overweight, loose some pounds, start an...
I'm Layla Beth and I am going to tell you a little bit about how to be a print model. You absolutely cannot be flabby. Start exercising and get toned. Nobody wants a flabby print model. You...
I'm Layla Beth and today I'm going to help you put together a modeling portfolio. First of all you are going to want to figure out what kind of modeling you actually want to do. Do you...
I'm Layla Beth and I'm going to talk to you a little bit about how to start modeling. First of all you need to figure out what kind of model do you want to be. Do you want to be a...
I'm Loyla Beth and I'm going to help you take pictures like a model. First of all you really need to be comfortable in your own skin. You're going to want to know your good...