We're seeing in the industry and hearing from a lot of customers that they're struggling to manage larger volumes of short run jobs. As the industry changes from the long run offset to...
At Precision we are a B2 or a 29-inch offset house, so the development of the HP Indigo 10000 is something that we've watched very closely over the last four to five years. We knew it was...
My name is Anthony Maddaloni, I'm a professional photographer from Austin Texas. I'm going to be talking about making contact prints from 4x5 negatives. This is a 4x5 negative, from my...
Welcome to the Printwand video lesson "Preparing your Document for Print in Photoshop." My name is Bryan Lee and I'll be your guide as we discuss: interacting with fonts and...
Ben: All right, Amber! You have gone and you have made three really exceptional images here. I think, like so much of the work here, anyone who looks at this is going to say "that's a...
Only 3 years ago photo printing provided the biggest profit share to Sergiy Voloshyn, owner of several photo studios. But the printing volume today is 500 pictures daily in one studio - it's a...
bjbjU Welcome to the professional print lab of one of the UK s leading art on demand operations...Magnolia Box. We produce gallery quality prints, framed pictures, canvas art, postcards, greeting...
So this is a more advanced form of making a contact sheet and it's technically called a contact print, but in technical terms it's really doing the same thing. This is an image called...
In this video, we're going to review exposing your screen. Once you have applied the photo emulsion on both sides of your screen and it is completely dry, you're ready to expose it....
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