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My name is Alan Thompson. I'm head of geomagnetism research here at BGS. The sun itself is a magnetic object... ...and its magnetic activity cycle affects the earth... ...and causes a...
Hello everyone! You greet me outdoors! For the start of my great northern adventure It's boiling in Britain at the moment. I don't know why it's suddenly so hot. but anyway we...
This is a course about Justice and we begin with a story suppose you're the driver of a trolley car, and your trolley car is hurdling down the track at sixty miles an hour and at the end of...
you know well ship up and then talk well the well the expo PSU that when they've done but up i dont know where we are You look at the map of Africa dude! line like yeah yeah yeah yeah do not...
Culzean Castle off the Clyde by TravelPod member ambough Castle gardens by TravelPod member ambough Exterior tower by TravelPod member ambough Firth of Clyde by TravelPod member ambough The Culzean...
Aberdeen skyline by TravelPod member everardt The track to the northernmost tip of Britain by TravelPod member everardt Water cross, Unst by TravelPod member everardt Muckle Flugga lighthouse, Unst by...
Class average on the exam was 55. Three homework problems were on the exam. I'm a little puzzled by the fringe field problem. That was the one homework problem that was graded. It was graded...
(Louis with Strong Arms) I see green trees, and red roses. I see [them] blooming so that we [might be] satisfied, and I think, "How wonderful the world is!" I see blue skies, white...