>> The way you teach your Medical Terminology course has changed. Techniques and resources developed for these students are no longer effective in engaging these students. [ Music ] With...
LeapPad2 works with a library of more than 325 apps and games! Made of only the highest quality content for kids. Enjoy hand picked, age appropriate entertainment from popular kid's publishers...
Did you know? Using Release Conditions and Intelligent Agents, you can truly personalize the student learning experience. Using Release Conditions and Intelligent Agents in the Learning Environment,...
I'd like to share with you all an idea which I believe will help shape the future of personalized learning. This is an idea that you and everyone can put into action today, for free, and will...
MARISA MILLS: Your first year in college is about making connections, learning to balance your academic and social life, and navigating through the university environment. Just like the GPS systems in...
Hi there, I am Ken Swain, Managing Director of EON Reality in the UK. We have had a good few days here showing all the different demonstrations from Floristry through to Aeronautical Engineering, and...
So our freshman class at GCL, we spent the whole year in the community of Woodlawn. So we spent the first semester really studying the community, and then this semester we all chose an area of...
[Music] Whether you live on University Park, Sutton Bonington or Jubilee campus you've really got everything you need right on your doorstep. I lived with four other people who I'm...
Hello my name is Mark Griffith. This is going to be brief introduction into how to learn how to trade stocks or shares. And this is a good idea before you begin to actually trade them because it can...
A few years ago, Learning and Teaching held a forum on thresholds in education and gave us some tools and some opportunities to reflect on our courses and identify thresholds that our students faced....