then come quickly to clear you have to eat then come quickly to clear you have to eat what time were then? tell them it's for a drink what time were then? tell them it's for a drink...
Erik: Why are affiliation points so important to community and neighborhood development? Dan: You’re familiar with Seth Goaden ‘Tribes We Lead’ kind of mentality and I think that there’s a lot of...



Viral Facebook app ideas Like building a brand, social media marketing takes time. People are more interested in the value exchange (they don't just want to...
Steve: Several months ago on the show, we had several young entrepreneurs on the show. They run Hire the World. It is an online site designed for outsourcing and we had a fascinating conversation. I...



Good morning everybody. I am so thrilled to be here. As Tamara said, my passion is social entrepreneurship When I was a child, I loved school In the fifth grade, we made solar systems out of paper...
We're talking about yes, and, on accepting people's ideas, building on those ideas with something connected. Right now we're going to do an exercise where we get to kind of...
The small modern bathroom is the easiest thing you can probably design. Why is that? Because it's not fussy, it's clean lines, and there's some elements that are pretty key....
And so it really means we need to be incredible listeners and use a word that I am not sure a lot of people in banking had historically thought about, be empathetic, really understand and walk in the...