Thanks guys, we are thrilled to be here with you. I am Brad I am the CEO of Jon is our head of product and the real brains behind the operation up here on stage. We are thrilled for a...



Well hi all, we're in the classroom of the Northern Brewer Minneapolis store retail location. We're here with John Palmer. My name is Jeff. I'm the general manager here at the...
Well, its that time of year again. A time where the whether brings a whole range of magical feelings. Warmth from loved ones and family as they prepare for the Christmas celebration, the sense of fun...
Part of the process of increasing staff engagement is to understand why people are coming to work on multiple levels, and it's worth thinking about engagement and work almost like...
Seven year old Danielle has no fear - whether its singing the national anthem in front of an audience I'm like Robin Hood. Oh, yeah. or trying a bow and arrow on for size. I wanna be like...
For the first time ever, Rotorua Girls High School has a person of Maori descent as their principal. Ally Gibbons was welcomed in to her new school this morning. There is growing excitement for her to...



Hi everybody, Andrew Reimer here. Author, consultant, trainer and coach, and specialist in sales management. Founder and CEO of Sales Management Solved where we teach a framework that's based...
Buy GenF20 Plus Here ------ GenF20™ is the #1 rated HGH Releaser available on the market today, targeting those who wish to fight aging and restore youthful appearance...