Well, sometimes it may not be our responsibility to do things. But as neighbours and respecting one another, I think we've got a moral need to get on well with our neighbours and helping them...
Good evening everyone and Stephanie Burroughs president of StephanieSpeaking. We're your trusted resource small minority women bearing business owners want to crack that nut selling to the...
Chorus: Give me the green light And I'll pee all night Let's go! Verse: We see you squirming; you've got to go pee No bathroom in sight cause we're at the beach Hold on...
1,000 blades taken from the hands of Aegon's fallen enemies, forged in the fiery breath of Balerion the Dread. There aren't 1,000 blades. There aren't even 200. I've...
bjbj- Marketing Show Episode #27 Hello everyone, my name is Clay Collins and welcome to today s episode of The Marketing Show. A lot of people do not know this about me, something I don t talk about...
What is the cheapest state to live in? Theoretically, it is South Dakota. But if it is anywhere near the oil patch, rents rival those in New York and San Francisco. I don’t want to be near an oil...