{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf480 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 ArialMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red238\green238\blue238;}...
For this project, I'm going to teach you how to tie-dye sneakers. Sneakers can't really be tie-dyed in the perfect sense of the word. It would be really hard to scrunch them and to tie...
I had an Omega watch I wanted to sell. I was referred to San Diego Jewelry Buyers, and I had an excellent experience. They were extremely professional. They made me feel very much at ease regarding...
when i was twenty eight years old i was working for the city of phoenix police department in arizona on march 26 2001, my patrol car was rear-ended by a taxicab that according to the investigation he...
Hi, so my name's Bethany. I have a cochlear implant. I was implanted when I was nearly four years old and then I chose again to implant myself when I was 13. *Music Plays* -Who Says: Selena...



Hi guys! So this is me again, Eva from Bay Harbour Med Spa! And I'm going to answer some questions that we picked out today and I'm actually going to read out these questions so ah,...
I'm gonna get him back. I'm gonna put on my party dress and my sorry face, and I'm gonna get him back. Are you sure that's what you want'? I mean, you...
I'm on an iPhone trying to call home AT&T wouldn't get me through The coverage sucks, so I'm out of luck there isn't a whole lot we can do Yeah, I, I should...
Hey what's up, it's Darren. Just a quick update. I'd made a couple separate channels because I'm in excrutiating pain, and I recognize that my face doesn't show...