International autism conference

DR. PATRICK NGUKU: The Field Epidemiology Laboratory Training Programs -- sometimes referred to also as FELTPs -- are competence-based training programs in applied epidemiology modeled after the...
I’ve got two boys, Robin who’s five and has got a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder, and Matthew who’s eight who has a diagnosis of Severe Classical Autism. The reason that we first came to the...
Everyday, the 15,000 men and women who work at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention work to advance public health in the United States and around the world. From rapidly detecting and...
MALE SPEAKER: He's authored three books on gamification, including the newest one which is just coming out, "The Gamification Revolution, How Leaders Leverage Game Mechanics to Crush...
This little girl you see is wearing a hearing aid. She's deaf. This year, in the united states, twelve thousand babies will be born with permanent hearing loss. If they're not...
Hello, I am Jordi and I would like to present Project Labdoo through a real life story This story takes place in Malawi William was a kid who liked to read very much At age of 14 he dropped out of...
(applause) I’m absolutely thrilled to be here. Thank you everyone here at TEDxPSU for pulling this wonderful event together. I want to start off by telling you two very personal things about me. For...
Hi Everyone! Can you hear me well? Yeah? Okay. My name is Heather Artinian and I am really excited to be here in front of you all today. I want to start off with a question? What world do you belong...
Six years ago I took a presentation skills class. It was a four-day intensive workshop in which I was videoed practically constantly, and I learned the ABC's of presentations. It was: A for...
one thanks for coming my name is brian parker and you're probably wondering why is the guy uh... any fire department uniforms sitting up here uh... i'll actually worked as a television...