>> [REPORTER]: This is a familiar sight in Rochester. The interactions of the deaf and hard of hearing community are commonplace and an important of the city's culture....



The front of the canoe is the part of the canoe that has the seat further back. So, any questions before we go out? (MUSIC) The Family Outdoor Skills Camp for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children maybe...
(Applause) How many different sign languages [are there] in the world? Just one? Is sign language universal? A couple? Are they different in each continent? There are at least 126 sign languages in...
Hello! are you deaf or hard-of-hearing like me? Did you know that now in the state of Vermont you can call for help using text to 911? You can request services to report a fire. You can request an...
We discuss access issues with deaf inmates and figure out how we can help. We have located sixty deaf inmates accross the nation and have begun adding them to HEARD's Deaf Inmate Database We...



What are the benefits of being a mentor? Perhaps this wasn't something you've thought of. But you're starting to imagine the impact and positive benefits that having a mentor...
Hello, my name is Sean Furman. I'm one of the Deaf Specialists at the Arizona Commission for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing (ACDHH). I'd like to take a minute to talk about public...
HI. I decided to make these videos because I've experience things in my life that I thought I might be able to help people who are experiencing the same thing. See I've had hearing...
Hello from DHCC One of our community partners is First Home Care First Home Care met with the Deaf community to encourage Deaf people to be foster parents to Deaf and hard of hearing children. If you...
Hello everyone again, my name is Safwan Patel, I'm actually currently studying at university at Manchester Metropolitan University. My course is Medicinal and Biological Chemistry. I'm...