Speaking of creativity and innovation in Korea..., Korea has been ranked the most innovative country in the world. That's according to Bloomberg,... which gave Korea 92-point-1 out of...
My name is Hakon Dahle and I’m the Vice President and CTO for the TelePresence Technology Group My primary focus areas are clearly TelePresence, but also how TelePresence works well with unified...
>> BARNES: Hi, my name is Inger Barnes. I’m the program director for the HPOG program in Pensacola State, Florida, and what I’ll be sharing with your today is our promising practice,...
Learning technology matters because technology is exploding in our world and we need to, as educators, keep up with technology and innovation. There are teaching and learning methods that are made...
As part of Innovate 2.0 I’m going to be presenting a workshop around Creative Practices for Community. So we are going to be looking at different perspectives and practices that utilise creativity...
To be innovative you have to go beyond the textbook. You have to interact with the students and know their strengths and weaknesses, so I have to be very much attuned to who's sitting in front...
What interested me the most was the concept of medicine. We actually visited Isola Tiberina and on a wall we saw a snake... We reflected on the history of this symbol together with the history of...
We spend a lot of our time dealing with that age-old kinda cliché – and it’s a cliché for a reason- what keeps you up at night? What are the problems and worries that nag at you? But for me, as I...
Every year, NASA and its partners invent hundreds of new technologies. Sometimes, these inventions have obvious spinoff uses, which benefit other industries. These high-tech inventions can often...
Reporter>>Rochester is a hotbed for manufacturing and the thought is to open the doors and get a new generation to join the manufacturing ranks Klein Steel is a supplier of steel which...