At Ascent Audiology & Hearing, what sets us apart is that we specialize in hearing treatment and rehabilitation. We have decades of experience testing, diagnosing, and treating hearing...
So I guess the most popular question is, "How much should my baby be eating?" And this is a very hard question for pediatricians to answer, and we often feel challenged by this...
Language is the foundation for many types of learning. Language development is impacted if there's any loss in the ability to hear Even a mild hearing loss can dramatically affect a...
For those of you who doubt this, read 1 Samuel 15:1-3 I made this video because occasionally I get pissed about how Christians almost dislocate their arms in congratulating themselves on their amazing...
Hi I'm Dr. Peggy Desler a Pediatrician at Kaiser Permanente in Richmond, CA. I'm also a mom with 4 children of my own. As parents, nothing is more important to us than keeping our...
Welcome! This is an introduction to the features of the APA Video Introduction to Psychotherapy Systems video streaming database. APA Video Introduction to Psychotherapy Systems is a special...
Hi, I am Debbie Catz and I am a certified clinical hypno therapist here in the San Francisco Bay Area. I have a master's degree in social work, to learn more about this you can visit my...
>> Cleveland Hearing & Speech when we started out, and my wife and I, and Mason was just a baby, and they found that he had hearing loss. You took us from a point where we were...