Didn't get a shout out on your last album, what you hate me? Arrrf Said I was your dog Said I was your nigga that let you see it all through the fog Arrrf Said I was your mans and them And any...
Most Christians are lukewarm. Most of them are completely spiritually dead. They have NEVER met Jesus. And the Jesus they proclaim they have NEVER seen Him or heard Him. It is no wonder that so many...
Not very many days ago, the Lord gave me a vision during the day. He showed me what's it's like to be in sin. I haven't shared this before, but what He showed me was a picture...
Okay, pace of change. I am at the tail end of the Baby Boomers, and Baby Boomers don't like change. When it comes to internet technology and online marketing and all that stuff, boy,...
Last night the Lord gave me a very strange dream. In my dream there was a couple people who were playing a game. They were playing this game with food. They had a plate and on the plate were a couple...
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Is CrossFit safe during pregnancy? CrossFit is an incredibly intense workout. People have actually over-worked their muscles to the point of exploding them. I’ve never seen someone with arms blow up...