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SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME -- YEAR A Welcome everyone to the program IN THE BEGINNING. I am Fr. Linh. Today we celebrate the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time -- Year A. Our Gospel passage is from...
Heya Tom, it's Bob, from the office down the hall. Good to see you buddy, how've you been? Thing have been O.K. for me except that I'm a zombie now. I really wish you'd...



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We are saved by faith alone in Jesus Christ but faith is not without works. If you have real faith in Jesus, that would mean you would realise that if you seek him you would find him and you would go...
As all of us know, the devil is a master of disguise. He loves to masquerade as an angel of light and 0appear to be someone he is not. And that is why many of us often feel condemnation; we feel like...
<Doctor Who music plays> <Evil laughter> You are doomed, Doctor. Doomed! You are piloting your TARDIS into a deadly trap, and even you will not suspect until it's...