Rise and shine, Dr. Freeman. Rise and shine. Your services are required in another time. We're going back to Black Mesa. Warning. Warning. Radiation levels up to seventy percent above normal....
Hi, and welcome to the ValveTime news. Each week, we'll bring you the biggest talking points regarding Valve Software and the community. Now, the news: While we've recently heard a lot...
Hi, and welcome to the ValveTime news. Each week, we’ll bring you the biggest talking points regarding Valve and the community. Now, the news: After an announcement tweet on the CS:GO twitter account...
Hi, and welcome to the ValveTime news. Each week, we'll bring you the biggest talking points regarding Valve Software and the community. Now, the news: After the free Steam weekend for...
Hi, and welcome to the ValveTime news. Each week, we'll bring you the biggest talking points regarding Valve Software and the community. Now, the news: You might remember a while back when we...



Lamento la tardanza en la presentación de esta conferencia... Fuera de mi alcance. Todas las luces, por favor. No quiero que me vean. Espérenme... Audio. Bienvenidos a mi conferencia...



Subtitles By: BlackMateria   Two! Three!!   Oh my god...I can't do that.   One, two, three.   Oh my god!!   *Skype call sound*   What?   Oh! Thank you for calling me now, asshole!!   No!!  ...



There's a lot of molotovs here! Where? I almost got him! Kitty! Kitty! It seems the CPUs made some reunion. I heal myself again. You saw that, guys? You saw guys? I'm haven't...



One day in Left 4 Dead... Fuck... Fuck! Oh shit! Just run guys! Run! Now close the door! Yeah... Oh Adrian, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? *laughs* Close the fucking door! Stephan, CLOSE THE DOOR! What? I WARNED...



Porn? Bullshit If you guys want to go and watch webcam porn Go into myfreecams.com Alot of peoples that are.. Eww Yeah, its working. Listen. There are private peoples that are putting their webcam on...

