Hey, my name is Bay Raitt I’m one of the filmmakers at valve. Before coming here, a lot of us had worked on blockbuster movies. During those experiences, we realized that movies could be made much...
<Meet the pyro> (song playing) Heavy: I feel no man but that thing it scares me Scout: No I aint aint talking about that freak alright wait he's not here is he how do I get this...
"(Realms)?" "I was no were near, actually..." "The Pickle Heavy must defend himself." "People are being dickles!" "For...



What makes me a good demoman? If I was a bad demoman, I wouldn't be sitting here discussing it with you, now would I! Lets do it! Not one of you is going to survive this. One crossed wire, one...



Spy: "Oh dear, I've made quite a mess." Spy: "What did they expect?" Spy: "Peek-a-boo!" Spy: "Apologies." Unseen...



Blue, right? Jup. I see one engineer. You know what, I'm gonna do something different. I'm gonna be... scout. Nooo, nooo! Alright, I'll do something else. I'll play as...



I acualy got banned and i dont know why im telling you this in october. thank you live i guess expect so it's not okay if there's anything wrong they've seen don't...
We are go for auto sequence start And we have a go for auto sequence start In the next few moments, liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen at -253 degrees Celsius will be pumped at 1035 gallons per second....



hello and welcome back and were going to play some left 4 dead I know its not how it should look like but I tried to make it as big as possible unfortunately that's the biggest its gonna go...

