Arya looses another friend, Jon breaks his vows and Rob makes a difficult decision, but is it the right one? It's the midpoint of the season and betrayal lurks around every corner. No one is...
I was taking the dog for a walk last night and I was just talking to Jesus, you know, and just asking Him. You know, why it is that we have to go through certain things and what is it that He is...
Title: Games People Play Na na na Na na na Na na Talkin'bout you and me, yeah And the games people play. Na na na Na na na Na na Talkin'bout you and me, yeah And the games people play....
To me it just looked like a shadow in the shape of a man. In the shape of Stannis. We should reach my son's camp tomorrow. Will you stay there long, My Lady? Only long enough to tell Robb what...
We celebrate the Govardhan Puja and Gopuja - the Worship of the Cows. We know, on Srila Gurudev’s veranda... He is sitting there. If anyone will walk in before him with a bag or something whatever it...
Today I want to talk about bondage to sin, because a lot of people feel they are in bondage to sin, and indeed they actually are in bondage to sin if not daily. They are in bondage to their lusts and...
The prayers and good deeds of many Christians are an insult to God because they do it just to pay their dues. They feel obliged to do it but it does not come from their heart. God is not mocked. If we...
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The Qur'an makes it an article of faith to believe in Allah and all the messengers. This includes Prophet Muhammad. According to the Qur'an, when Moses came with the Taurat, it was...