Shelly: Shelly Fonner from Terre Haute, Indiana. The very first transaction that we had done actually was prior to becoming part of the Mentor Group. We had gotten something in the mail from him and...
Is it hot outside and inside your home? Is your home or workplace like an oven? Maybe you already have an air conditioning system but it's broken... Or maybe you just realized how you were...



You’ve just been diagnosed with cancer and you have a nagging suspicion in the back of your head that your condition should have been diagnosed months – if not years – earlier. What do you do? Want...



OK, this one is mine, Discharge and Admit within Hours. This is a very unusual case, I never heard of something like this. Q: "I have a patient that was being discharged from the hospital...
There are a few basic rules to robbing a bank. First of all, cover your face. Second of all, wear hard-to-identify clothing and NOT an “I Heart Texas” T-shirt. And third of all, try not to get robbed...
Hey man, are you feeling okay? Yeah, why do you ask? Do I look sick? Well, you did this morning in class. You could barely keep your head up! What do you mean? I was taking notes the entire time!... 3 Rules to Succeeding - Eliminate Plan B One thing that I've realized over the...
You wear your hair like a real southern lady now. Well, why shouldn't I? We're in the South. It's important to remember where you come from. I'm not sure your mother...
Hey Tim Yeah. Can You take your glasses off for a sec? These glasses here? Yeah. K, sure what's up? Nothing Okay Tim, Do you own a green shirt? Yeah, yeah I do. I think you would look really...