Automatically translated by machine. Hey Besties! Today's tip is about how to remove stubborn glitter nail polish. Do you what I love? Glitter nail polish. Do you know what I don't...
How to Sharpen a Knife. A dull knife takes the fun out of cooking and is actually more dangerous than a sharp knife, so take a moment to sharpen and care for your tools. You will need Knife Whetstone...
So I'm going to show you how to block your knitting. And I think blocking your knitting is essential for taking your piece from homemade to really looking hand made. One of the wonderful...
Patrick: What you'll see Howell is doing right now is roughing up the root ball a little more now that it's moist. It was a little hard before. What we're doing here might seem...
One of the techniques that you can use for tie dyeing is called emerging dyeing and that's the most simple, easy to prepare of the dyeing techniques. It pretty much consists in preparing a dye...
I'm teaching you how to do a spiral using tie dye, this time. As you can see you follow the spiral line around here in the pattern, and that is actually created by pinching the fabric and...
Hi. I'm Katie, and today I'm going to show you how to ice a cake with whipped cream. I'm using homemade whipped cream. All I did was take, this is called a balloon whisk,...
So, you've been waiting for me? Have you waited so long to play with me? Ouch! That hurts! The sounds “Chikey chikey” are all made by Hyouta when he is excited. Though he never bite my...



Hi. John here, with Real Truck Garage. Say, a lot of people been calling in and asking us, "How do we get these badges and markers off of our trucks?" Well, you know we really love...